What are burglars most afraid of

When it comes to protecting your home from burglaries, it is important to understand what makes burglars think twice about targeting your property. While no security measure is foolproof, there are several deterrents that can significantly reduce the risk of a break-in.

Lights: One of the most effective deterrents against burglars is proper outdoor lighting. Well-lit areas make it difficult for intruders to approach your home without being spotted. Motion-activated lights are particularly effective, as they surprise burglars and draw attention to their presence.

Dogs: Burglars tend to avoid homes with dogs as they can be unpredictable and noisy. Even a small dog can be an effective deterrent, as the noise they make can alert neighbors and scare off intruders. Additionally, seeing a “Beware of Dog” sign can discourage burglars from even attempting to enter your property.

Neighbors: A strong sense of community can greatly increase home security. Neighbors who look out for each other and report suspicious activity can create a hostile environment for burglars. The presence of neighbors can also make it harder for burglars to go unnoticed, increasing the risk of being seen and caught.

Cameras: The presence of security cameras is a powerful deterrent against burglaries. Visible cameras can make burglars think twice about targeting your home, as they risk being caught on tape. Even dummy cameras can be effective, as burglars often cannot differentiate between real and fake cameras.

Police and alarms: The fear of being caught by the police is a major deterrent for burglars. Displaying signs or stickers indicating that your home is protected by a security system can make burglars think twice. Additionally, the sound of an alarm going off can startle burglars and draw attention to their presence, increasing the risk of getting caught.

The Importance of Home Security

Home security is of utmost importance in keeping your property and your loved ones safe. It provides a sense of peace and comfort, knowing that your home is protected from potential threats and burglaries. There are several key elements that contribute to effective home security.

1. Locked doors and windows: One of the simplest yet most effective measures to prevent burglaries is ensuring that all doors and windows are properly locked. This basic step can deter burglars and make it much more difficult for them to gain entry into your home.

2. Alarms and cameras: Installing alarm systems and security cameras can serve as a strong deterrent to potential burglars. These visible security measures can help scare off intruders and provide evidence in case a break-in does occur.

3. Lights: Adequate lighting around your property is crucial in deterring burglars. Bright lights can make it difficult for anyone to approach your home without being noticed. Motion sensor lights are especially effective, as they instantly illuminate the area when movement is detected.

4. Dogs: Dogs are known for their keen sense of hearing and protective nature, making them excellent companions and deterrents to burglars. Having a dog or even displaying a “Beware of Dog” sign can make criminals think twice before targeting your home.

5. Security systems and police response: Investing in a comprehensive security system that includes features such as door sensors, window sensors, and motion detectors can greatly enhance the safety of your home. Many security systems are connected to a central monitoring station, which can immediately alert the police in the event of a break-in.

It is important to note that while these security measures can greatly reduce the risk of a burglary, they are not foolproof. It is also recommended to have a backup plan in case of emergencies, such as having a phone nearby to call the police or keeping a weapon for self-defense purposes.

In conclusion, home security should not be taken lightly. By implementing these deterrents, you can significantly increase the safety of your home and reduce the chances of a burglary.

Secure Entry Points

One of the most effective ways to deter burglars is to secure all entry points of your home.

1. Neighbors: Having trustworthy neighbors who look out for each other can be a great deterrent for burglars. They can keep an eye on your property when you’re away and notify the police if they notice any suspicious activity.

2. Police: Installing visible signs or stickers indicating that your home is protected by a security system can make burglars think twice before attempting a break-in. The fear of getting caught can be a strong deterrent.

3. Dogs: Dogs can be excellent deterrents to burglars. Their barking can alert you and your neighbors to potential intruders, and the physical presence of a dog can make burglars think twice before targeting your home.

4. Weapons: While it’s important to prioritize your safety, having weapons, such as a self-defense tool or a firearm, can make burglars think twice before attempting to break into your home. This is especially true if they are aware that you have taken steps to safely store and use these weapons.

5. Locked doors and windows, lights, security cameras: Simple measures like keeping your doors and windows locked when you’re not home, installing motion sensor lights, and having visible security cameras can deter burglars. These make it more difficult for them to enter undetected and increase the risk of getting caught.

Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting is an effective deterrent for burglars as it increases the visibility of your home. Well-lit areas make it difficult for criminals to approach your property without being seen. Here are some reasons why outdoor lighting can help keep your home safe:

  • Visible security: Adequate outdoor lighting sends a message that your home is well-protected. Burglars are more likely to avoid houses that are well lit, as it increases the chances of them being caught.
  • Prevents hiding spots: Proper lighting eliminates dark areas around your property, reducing hiding spots for potential intruders. Illuminating the exterior of your home and yard can make burglars feel exposed and vulnerable.
  • Alarm system reinforcement: Outdoor lights can work in conjunction with your home security system. When triggered, lights can help draw attention to potential break-ins and deter burglars from proceeding.
  • Nighttime surveillance: Well-placed outdoor lights, combined with security cameras, can capture clear footage of any suspicious activity around your property. This evidence can be beneficial for police investigations, if necessary.
  • Security for you: Outdoor lighting not only protects your home but also provides a sense of security for you and your family. A well-lit property allows you to see who is approaching and gives you peace of mind.

Remember, it is important to ensure that outdoor lights are strategically placed and properly maintained. Motion-sensor lights are particularly effective as they detect movement and instantly turn on, alerting you to any potential threats.

By investing in outdoor lighting, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a burglary and increase the overall security of your home.

Alarm Systems

Alarm systems are a key component of home security. They act as a deterrent to burglars and can help protect your property. When burglars see an alarm system installed, it sends a message that your home is secure and protected.

One of the main advantages of alarm systems is that they provide a sense of security. The loud siren and flashing lights can scare off potential intruders. The noise and attention drawn to the house increase the risk of being caught. Knowing that the alarm system will alert neighbors and the police also adds an extra layer of security.

Another benefit of a home alarm system is that it can act as a deterrent by covering all points of entry. When doors and windows are armed with sensors, any attempts to break in will trigger the alarm. This creates a barrier that makes it much more difficult for burglars to gain access to your home.

Modern alarm systems can also include surveillance cameras, allowing you to monitor your property remotely. This adds an extra layer of security by capturing footage of any suspicious activity. The presence of security cameras can discourage burglars and provide valuable evidence in case of a break-in.

Some alarm systems can be integrated with other security measures like motion-activated lights and dog barking sounds. These additional features create the illusion of an occupied home, making it less attractive for burglars to target.

In conclusion, alarm systems are an effective way to protect your home from burglaries. Their security features, such as loud sirens, surveillance cameras, and integration with other measures like lights and dog sounds, make them a strong deterrent. By investing in a reliable alarm system, you can enhance the security of your home and deter potential intruders.

Surveillance Cameras

Surveillance cameras are one of the most effective deterrents for burglars. They provide a sense of security by constantly monitoring the surroundings of your home. The presence of cameras can deter criminals from attempting to break into your property as they know their actions will be recorded and can be used as evidence by the police.

Having visible surveillance cameras can make burglars think twice about targeting your home. When burglars see cameras, they often choose to avoid that property and move on to an easier target. The fear of being caught on camera and identified by both the police and their potential neighbors is a strong deterrent.

In addition, surveillance cameras can help alert your neighbors to potential criminal activity. If they see something suspicious happening at your home, they can notify the authorities, further enhancing the security of your property.

Surveillance cameras can also be connected to a security system, allowing for real-time monitoring and the ability to receive alerts if any unusual activity is detected. This can help provide immediate response and assistance from law enforcement agencies.

Furthermore, surveillance cameras can complement other home security features such as dogs, lights, locked doors, and alarms. When combined, these deterrents create a multi-layered security system that is highly effective in preventing burglaries.

Overall, surveillance cameras play a crucial role in protecting your home from burglaries. Their presence alone can significantly reduce the risk of break-ins, providing you with peace of mind and a safer living environment.

Neighborhood Watch Programs

One of the most effective deterrents against burglars is the presence of a neighborhood watch program. These programs involve residents actively looking out for suspicious activities and reporting them to the police.

Neighborhood watch programs work by creating a sense of community and unity among neighbors. When neighbors are aware of each other’s presence and are vigilant about protecting their homes, burglars are less likely to target the area.

Regular meetings and communication between neighbors and the local police department are crucial for the success of a neighborhood watch program. This allows for the sharing of information and strategies to prevent burglaries and other criminal activities.

Aside from the police, there are other elements within a neighborhood watch program that can contribute to its effectiveness in deterring burglars. For example, well-lit streets and homes can make burglars uncomfortable and more likely to move on to a darker area. Neighbors who are visible and active in their community can also deter burglars, as they provide an increased risk of being caught in the act.

Another deterrent that falls under the scope of a neighborhood watch program is the presence of dogs. Many burglars are afraid of dogs, especially those that are protective and territorial. The mere sound of a barking dog can alert neighbors and potentially scare away burglars.

In addition, neighborhoods with security cameras installed can act as a strong deterrent, as burglars do not want to be caught on video. The presence of visible security cameras can make burglars think twice before attempting a break-in.

The importance of keeping doors and windows locked cannot be overlooked in a neighborhood watch program. Simple measures such as installing sturdy locks and reinforcing weak entry points can greatly increase the security of homes and deter burglars.

Finally, the presence of weapons, such as a baseball bat or pepper spray, can make burglars think twice about targeting a home. However, it is important to note that the use of weapons should always be a last resort and should only be used in self-defense.

In conclusion, neighborhood watch programs are effective deterrents against burglars due to the collaboration between residents and the police, and the various elements such as lights, neighbors, dogs, cameras, security, locked doors, and, if necessary, weapons. By implementing these measures, communities can enhance their safety and protect their homes.

Tips to Deter Burglars

Here are some effective tips to deter burglars and keep your home safe:

  1. Install security cameras: Visible security cameras can act as a strong deterrent for burglars. They are likely to think twice before targeting a home that has surveillance cameras as they increase the risk of getting caught.
  2. Get to know your neighbors: Developing a good relationship with your neighbors can help create a sense of community and increase the chances of someone looking out for your home while you’re away. Neighbors can alert the police or authorities if they notice any suspicious activity.
  3. Keep your doors and windows locked: This may seem like common sense, but a surprising number of burglaries occur due to unlocked doors and windows. Make sure to establish a habit of checking that all entry points are secure before leaving your home.
  4. Consider owning weapons for self-defense: While this may not be for everyone, owning a weapon for self-defense can make burglars think twice about targeting your home. However, it’s crucial to ensure you know how to handle weapons responsibly and legally.
  5. Invest in a home security alarm system: Alarm systems are designed to alert you and scare away potential burglars. Modern systems can even send real-time alerts to your phone, helping you take immediate action. Ensure the alarm system is properly installed and maintained.
  6. Get a security system sign: Even if you don’t have an alarm system, placing a security system sign in your yard or on your windows can create the perception that your home is protected. Burglars are more likely to avoid homes that appear to have security measures in place.
  7. Consider getting a dog: Dogs have been traditionally used as a deterrent against burglars. A barking dog can quickly attract attention and scare away intruders. It’s essential to choose a breed that suits your living situation and properly train and socialize your dog.

Remember to stay informed about the latest security technologies and strategies to ensure the safety of your home. Additionally, always report any suspicious activity to the police or local authorities.

Keep Valuables Out of Sight

One of the best ways to deter burglars is to keep your valuables out of sight. If burglars cannot see any expensive items through the windows or from outside, they are less likely to target your home. Here are some tips to accomplish this:

  1. Store valuable items in a safe or secure location: Keep your jewelry, cash, and other valuable items in a safe or locked drawer. This will reduce the temptation for burglars to break in.
  2. Avoid leaving expensive items in plain sight: If you have expensive gadgets, artwork, or other valuable items, avoid leaving them in plain sight. Close your blinds or curtains especially when you’re not home.
  3. Secure your firearms: If you own weapons, make sure they are properly stored and locked away. This will help prevent them from getting into the wrong hands.
  4. Invest in home security: Consider installing alarm systems and security cameras. These act as visual deterrents and can alert you and the authorities if someone tries to break in.
  5. Get a dog: Dogs can be excellent deterrents. Even a small dog can make a burglar think twice before attempting to enter your home. Displaying signs or stickers indicating the presence of a dog can also be effective.

Remember to inform a trusted neighbor or the police if you are going to be away for an extended period of time. They can keep an eye on your property and take action if anything suspicious occurs.

Use Timers for Lights

One effective way to deter burglars is to use timers for lights in your home. Timers can be set to turn on and off lights at specific times, creating the illusion that someone is home even when you’re not.

Having the lights on when it’s dark outside gives the impression that the house is occupied, making it less attractive to potential burglars. They are more likely to be deterred by a well-lit property as it increases the risk of being caught.

Timers can be easily installed on indoor and outdoor lights. You can set them to turn on at the time it starts getting dark and turn off at the usual bedtime. Additionally, randomizing the timing of the lights turning on and off can make it more convincing.

When used in conjunction with other security measures such as cameras, locked doors and windows, weapons, and alarms, timed lights can significantly enhance the security of your home.

In the event that a burglar attempts to target your home, the sudden illumination can startle them and make them think twice about proceeding with their criminal activity. The unexpected light can also draw the attention of neighbors or passersby, increasing the chances of someone calling the police.

It’s important to note that timers for lights should be used in a way that appears natural and mimics the daily routines of a typical household. Consider setting timers for different rooms and varying the duration of time the lights stay on to give a more realistic appearance.

In conclusion, using timers for lights is an effective and affordable deterrent to keep your home safe from burglars. It creates the illusion of an occupied home and increases the chances of a potential burglar being caught or deterred.

Install Solid Doors with Deadbolts

One of the most effective ways to deter burglars is to install solid doors with deadbolts. These types of doors provide an added layer of security compared to traditional hollow doors, making it more difficult for intruders to break in.

Deadbolts are locks that can only be opened with a key or thumbturn, making them extremely secure. When properly installed, deadbolts are resistant to picking, drilling, and other forced entry techniques.

When choosing solid doors, opt for those made from materials like metal or solid wood, as they are not easily kicked in or breached. Reinforce the door frame with security plates and strike plates to make it even more secure.

In addition to solid doors and deadbolts, there are other security measures you can implement to further deter burglars. Consider installing security alarms, cameras, and lights around your property. These act as visible deterrents, making burglars think twice before targeting your home.

Dogs can also be an effective deterrent, as they can bark and alert homeowners to potential intruders. Displaying signs or stickers indicating that there is a dog on the premises can also discourage would-be burglars.

Having weapons, such as pepper spray or Tasers, readily available can give homeowners a sense of security. However, it’s important to remember that weapons should only be used as a last resort and within the confines of the law.

In case of an emergency or break-in, it’s crucial to have a direct line of communication with the police. Install a home security system that includes a panic button or a direct connection to law enforcement to ensure quick response times.

  • Install solid doors made from metal or solid wood
  • Add deadbolts for enhanced security
  • Reinforce door frames with security plates and strike plates
  • Consider installing security alarms, cameras, and lights
  • Show signs or stickers indicating the presence of a dog
  • Keep weapons accessible for self-defense
  • Install a home security system with a direct connection to police

Trim Landscaping for Visibility

Keeping your landscaping well-trimmed is an important step in deterring burglars from targeting your home. Overgrown shrubs, trees, and hedges provide the perfect hiding spots for intruders, making it easier for them to break in unnoticed. By maintaining a well-groomed yard, you not only enhance the curb appeal of your home but also eliminate potential hiding places for criminals.

Trimming your landscaping has several advantages when it comes to home security. Firstly, it increases visibility around your property, making it more difficult for burglars to approach undetected. Unobstructed sightlines allow neighbors, passersby, and security cameras to see any suspicious activity taking place outside your home.

Moreover, a well-trimmed yard makes it more challenging for burglars to bypass security measures such as lights, cameras, and alarms. With clear lines of sight, these deterrents become more effective in deterring criminals. If a burglar can easily approach your home without being seen, the presence of security measures becomes less impactful.

Another advantage of maintaining a well-trimmed yard is that it discourages burglars who rely on stealth and secrecy. Criminals prefer choosing targets where they can easily hide and go unnoticed. By eliminating potential hiding spots, such as bushes close to windows or gaps in tall hedges, you reduce the appeal of your home as a target.

In addition to enhancing visibility, a well-groomed yard can also complement other security measures you have in place. For example, if you have a locked gate or security fence, keeping the surrounding landscaping trimmed provides an extra layer of security. It allows you to see if someone is tampering with your property and provides a clearer view for security cameras to capture potential intruders.

Remember that burglars are opportunistic and will seek out easy targets. Maintaining a well-trimmed yard sends a signal that your home is well-maintained and likely to have other security measures in place, such as lights, cameras, or alarms. This makes your home a less attractive option for burglars, as they prefer to target properties that seem vulnerable.

While trimming your landscaping alone may not guarantee the complete safety of your home, it is an essential component of a comprehensive security plan. Coupled with other measures such as lights, security cameras, locked doors, dogs, alarms, and even weapons, a well-groomed yard can significantly reduce the risk of burglary. In case of any suspicious activity, don’t hesitate to contact the police to ensure the safety of your home and your family.

Display Security Signs

Deter burglars by prominently displaying security signs around your property. Even if you don’t have surveillance cameras or an alarm system, the mere presence of security signs can make a potential burglar think twice before targeting your home.

Security signs act as a visual deterrent, letting burglars know that your property is protected. Signs indicating the presence of surveillance cameras, alarms, or a security company monitoring your home can create doubt and fear in the mind of a criminal.

By displaying signs that indicate you have a security system in place, you send a strong message that attempting to break into your home will not be an easy task. This can discourage burglars who prefer less risky targets.

Remember, burglars are looking for easy opportunities. They want to avoid alarm triggers, locked doors, or any potential confrontation. They don’t want to deal with potentially alerting the police or facing armed homeowners. Even signs implying the presence of guard dogs or vigilant neighbors can be enough to deter a potential burglar.

So, if you want to protect your home, consider displaying security signs that highlight the various security measures you have in place. The sight of these signs alone can make burglars think twice about targeting your property.

Maintaining Home Security

There are several effective ways to maintain home security and deter burglars:

  1. Install outdoor lights: Adequate lighting around the perimeter of your home can discourage burglars from attempting a break-in. Motion sensor lights can also serve as a great deterrent.
  2. Use security alarms: Installing a security alarm system can provide an additional layer of protection for your home. The sound of an alarm can scare away potential burglars and alert you and your neighbors to the break-in.
  3. Consider weapons for self-defense: Keeping weapons such as pepper spray, tasers, or even firearms can provide a sense of security. However, it is essential to follow local laws and regulations regarding weapon ownership and use.
  4. Be friendly with your neighbors: Building a good relationship with your neighbors can be beneficial for home security. Neighbors who look out for each other can help prevent burglaries by reporting suspicious activities.
  5. Contact the police: If you notice any suspicious activity or believe your home is being targeted, contact your local police department immediately. They can provide guidance and may increase their patrols in your area.
  6. Install security cameras: Installing security cameras can serve as a visible deterrent to potential burglars. Additionally, these cameras can provide valuable evidence in the event of a break-in.
  7. Keep doors and windows locked: This may seem obvious, but many burglaries occur due to unlocked doors or windows. Ensure that all entry points to your home are secured with quality locks.

By utilizing these strategies, you can significantly improve your home security and reduce the risk of a burglary.


What are the top 5 deterrents to keep my home safe from burglars?

The top 5 deterrents to keep your home safe from burglars are: 1) a security system, 2) strong locks on doors and windows, 3) outdoor lighting, 4) a dog, and 5) a neighborhood watch program.

Why is a security system considered a deterrent to burglars?

A security system is considered a deterrent to burglars because it can alert homeowners and authorities to a potential break-in. The presence of visible security cameras or alarm system signage can make burglars think twice about targeting a home.

How can strong locks on doors and windows deter burglars?

Strong locks on doors and windows can deter burglars by making it more difficult for them to enter a home. Deadbolt locks, for example, are much more secure than regular locks and can take longer for a burglar to pick or break.

Why is outdoor lighting an effective deterrent to burglars?

Outdoor lighting is an effective deterrent to burglars because it eliminates dark areas around a home where burglars could potentially hide. Well-lit areas make it easier for neighbors or passersby to see any suspicious activity.

How can a dog help keep my home safe from burglars?

A dog can help keep your home safe from burglars because their barking can alert homeowners or neighbors to a potential break-in. Many burglars also avoid homes with dogs, as they can be unpredictable and may attack intruders.

How can I keep my home safe from burglaries?

There are several things you can do to keep your home safe from burglaries. First, make sure all doors and windows are locked at all times, even when you’re at home. Second, install a security system with visible cameras and an alarm system. Third, keep your valuables out of sight, so they’re not easily visible through windows. Fourth, consider getting a dog, as they can be a great deterrent to burglars. And finally, be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, reporting any suspicious activity to the police.

What are the top deterrents for burglars?

The top deterrents for burglars are a combination of visible security measures and clever tricks. First, visible security cameras and alarm systems are a great deterrent to burglars, as they increase the risk of being caught. Second, the presence of a dog, especially a large and loud one, can be very intimidating for burglars. Third, well-lit areas around the house, both inside and outside, make it harder for burglars to hide and approach unnoticed. Fourth, signs or stickers indicating the presence of a security system or a neighborhood watch can make burglars think twice about targeting your home. And finally, noisy gravel or gravel with an alarm system can make burglars hesitant to approach your property.

Tim Gream/ author of the article
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