Where is the best place to put a home security camera

When it comes to protecting your home and loved ones, installing a security camera is a smart decision. But where exactly is the best place to put it? The location of your home security camera is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness and ensuring the safety of your property.

One of the key factors to consider is the entrance points to your home. Placing a security camera near the main entrance or any other vulnerable entry point can help deter burglars and capture any suspicious activity. Remember that the camera should be positioned in a way that it covers both the inside and outside of the entrance.

Another important location for installing a home security camera is the back yard. Most burglars tend to enter through the back door or target items in the backyard, such as outdoor furniture or expensive equipment. By placing a camera in the back yard, you can keep an eye on any potential intruders and protect your valuable possessions.

Furthermore, you should consider placing a security camera in areas with high traffic or valuable items. This could include your living room, home office, or garage. By doing so, you can monitor any unusual activity and prevent theft or break-ins.

Ultimately, the best place to install a home security camera is one that provides maximum coverage and captures important areas of your property. Consider the entrance points, back yard, and areas with high traffic or valuable items when deciding on the placement. With the right location, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is protected.

The Best Locations for Installing a Home Security Camera

When it comes to home security, one of the most important things you can do is to install security cameras in strategic locations. With the right placement, you can ensure that your property is well surveilled and protected from any potential threats. Here are some of the best locations to consider for installing a home security camera:

Front Door Installing a security camera at your front door is crucial, as it allows you to see who is approaching your home. This is the most common entry point for burglars, so having a camera here can act as a strong deterrent.
Backyard/Gate If you have a backyard with valuable items or a gate that leads to your property, it’s important to place a security camera here. This way, you can monitor any suspicious activity and prevent unauthorized access.
Garage/Driveway If you have a garage or driveway, it’s a good idea to install a security camera in this area. Not only can it help deter thieves from targeting your vehicles or belongings, but it can also capture valuable footage in case of a break-in.
Windows Windows are another common entry point for burglars, so it’s important to place security cameras near them. By doing so, you can capture clear footage of any suspicious activity and potentially identify the intruder.
Basement/Staircase Security cameras should be placed in areas that provide access to your home, such as the basement or staircase leading to the upper floors. This helps ensure that any potential intruders can be detected at the earliest possible stage.

Remember, the aim is to have complete coverage of your home, so consider these locations carefully. By placing security cameras in these strategic areas, you can maximize your home’s protection, deter criminals, and have valuable evidence in case of any suspicious activity or break-ins.

Front Door

The front door is often considered the best place to install a home security camera. This is because it is the most common entry point for intruders. By placing a camera at the front door, you can capture footage of anyone who approaches or tries to enter your home.

When installing a security camera at the front door, it is important to position it in a way that provides a clear view of the area. Look for a spot that allows the camera to cover the entire front porch and driveway. This will ensure that you have a comprehensive view of any activity that occurs.

Additionally, consider the height at which the camera should be placed. Mounting it at eye level or slightly above is often recommended, as this will provide a better view of people’s faces and prevent them from tampering with the camera.

Some homeowners also choose to install a doorbell camera at their front door. This type of camera is integrated into the doorbell and allows you to see and speak to anyone who approaches your home, even when you are not there. Doorbell cameras provide an extra layer of security and offer convenience, as they can be accessed through a smartphone or tablet.

In conclusion, the front door is an ideal place to install a home security camera. It is the primary entry point for intruders, and positioning a camera here can help deter crime and provide valuable evidence if needed.


The backyard is one of the best places to install a home security camera. It provides a wide view of the outdoor area surrounding your home, allowing you to keep an eye on any potential threats or suspicious activities.

The ideal placement for the camera in your backyard is where it can cover the main entry points, such as doors and windows, as well as any pathways or walkways that lead to your home. This will ensure that you have clear footage of anyone approaching your property.

When considering where to put the camera in your backyard, it’s important to choose a location that is high enough to capture a clear view but also well-hidden to prevent it from being tampered with or stolen. Placing it under eaves, on a tree, or using a discreet camera housing can help in this regard.

Additionally, you may want to consider using a camera with features such as motion detection or night vision to enhance its effectiveness in monitoring your backyard. Motion detection can alert you to any movement in the area, while night vision allows for round-the-clock surveillance.

In summary, the backyard is an excellent choice for installing a home security camera. It allows for comprehensive surveillance of your outdoor space and provides an added layer of protection for your home and family.


The garage is often an overlooked area when it comes to home security, but it is actually one of the best places to install a home security camera. Because the garage is usually located at the front or back of the house, a camera placed in this area can provide a wide angle view of the surroundings. This allows you to keep an eye on any potential intruders or suspicious activity near your home.

In addition to its wide angle view, placing a security camera in the garage can help protect your valuable belongings such as vehicles, tools, and other equipment. By monitoring the garage, you can ensure that everything is kept safe and secure.

When considering where to put the security camera in the garage, it is best to choose a location that provides a good vantage point without being easily accessible to potential intruders. Mounting the camera high up on a wall or near the ceiling can help prevent tampering or damage.

Overall, the garage is a prime location for a home security camera, providing a comprehensive view of the surroundings and helping to protect your valuable belongings. By strategically placing a camera in this area, you can enhance the security of your home and have peace of mind.


A home security camera is a valuable tool when it comes to protecting your property and loved ones. When deciding where to install a security camera, one of the best places is in your driveway.

The driveway is often the main entrance to your home, making it an ideal location for a security camera. By placing a camera in this area, you can monitor who is coming and going from your property. This can help deter potential burglars or vandals from targeting your home. Additionally, a driveway security camera can capture footage of any suspicious activity or vehicles that enter your property.

When putting a camera in your driveway, it is important to consider its positioning. Aim to cover the entire length of your driveway, ensuring that the camera has a clear view of any vehicles or people entering or leaving. Placing the camera in a high position, such as on the roof or a tall pole, can help provide a better vantage point and minimize blind spots.

In addition to monitoring activity in and around your driveway, a security camera can also help with other practical purposes. For example, with a camera in your driveway, you can remotely check if any packages have been delivered or if guests have arrived. This can provide added convenience and peace of mind.

Overall, the driveway is an excellent location to install a home security camera. It provides a clear view of anyone entering or leaving your property, acts as a deterrent for potential criminals, and offers added convenience for everyday use. By carefully considering the positioning of the camera, you can maximize its effectiveness and ensure the safety and security of your home.


Windows are a great place to install a home security camera. They provide a clear view of the surroundings, making it easier to monitor any activity outside the house. Placing a camera near a window allows for better coverage of the front yard, driveway, or other outdoor areas.

When installing a camera near a window, it is important to consider the angle and glare. Position the camera so that it has a wide field of view, but make sure it is not directly facing the window, as this can cause glare and reduce visibility. To minimize glare, use curtains or blinds to block excessive sunlight or artificial light that may interfere with the camera’s image quality.

Another advantage of placing a camera near a window is that it may act as a deterrent, as potential intruders can see that the premises are under surveillance. This can help to prevent break-ins and provide a sense of security. Additionally, a camera near a window can capture valuable evidence in case of an incident, as it has a clear line of sight and unobstructed view.

Keep in mind that when installing a camera near a window, it is important to ensure it is securely mounted, as well as weatherproof if it will be exposed to the elements. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the camera lens are also essential to maintain optimal performance.

In summary, windows are one of the best places to put a home security camera. They offer a clear view of the surroundings, act as a deterrent, and can capture valuable evidence. Just make sure to consider the angle, glare, and security of the camera when installing it near a window.

Walkways and Stairways

If you’re looking for the best place to install a home security camera, consider placing it near walkways and stairways. These are common areas where intruders may try to gain access to your home. By positioning a security camera in these areas, you can more effectively monitor any suspicious activity and deter potential burglars.

Walkways and stairways are often used as points of entry, as they provide easy access to your home. By installing a camera in these areas, you can capture clear footage of anyone approaching or leaving your property. This can be especially useful in identifying potential threats and providing evidence to law enforcement if necessary.

When positioning your camera, make sure it is placed at an optimal height and angle to capture the entire area. Consider mounting the camera high enough to prevent tampering, but low enough to capture facial features of individuals. Additionally, make sure the camera is weatherproof and can withstand various conditions.

Remember, the goal of a home security camera is to provide you with peace of mind and protect your property. By placing a security camera near walkways and stairways, you can enhance the security of your home and ensure the safety of your family and belongings.


The porch is one of the best places to install a home security camera. It provides an excellent vantage point to monitor the front entrance of your home. By placing a camera on the porch, you can capture clear footage of anyone approaching your front door.

When deciding where to put the camera on the porch, consider placing it near the front door or above it. This will allow you to capture facial features and any activities happening in close proximity to the entrance. It is also a visible deterrent for potential intruders.

Another factor to consider when positioning the camera on the porch is the field of view. Make sure the camera can capture a wide angle, allowing you to monitor not only the front door but also the surrounding area. This will enhance the overall security of your home.

Furthermore, it is important to ensure that the camera is weatherproof, as it will be exposed to the elements on the porch. Look for cameras specifically designed for outdoor use, which can withstand rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.

Advantages Disadvantages
– Clear view of the front entrance – Limited view of other areas of the property
– Deterrent for potential intruders – Exposure to weather conditions
– Ability to capture facial features – Vulnerability to vandalism or theft

In conclusion, the porch is the best place to install a home security camera if you want to focus on monitoring the front entrance of your home. It provides a clear view, acts as a deterrent, and allows you to capture facial features. Just make sure to choose a weatherproof camera and position it strategically for optimal coverage.


The basement is often an overlooked area when it comes to installing home security cameras, but it can be an important location to consider. Many homeowners use their basements as storage areas or recreational spaces, which may contain valuable items.

To determine the best place to put a security camera in the basement, consider the following:

  1. Entrances: Install cameras near any entrances or windows that could potentially be used as points of entry by intruders.
  2. Staircase: Place a camera near the staircase leading to the basement to capture any movement or activity.
  3. Valuable Items: If you store valuable items in your basement, consider positioning a camera to monitor those specific areas.
  4. Storage Areas: If you have specific storage areas in your basement, such as a wine cellar or a tool room, install cameras to keep an eye on them.
  5. Mechanical Systems: Depending on the layout of your basement, it might be beneficial to place a camera near your HVAC system, electrical panel, or other mechanical systems to monitor for any issues or abnormalities.

When installing a security camera in the basement, ensure that it is positioned at the appropriate height and angle to capture the desired area effectively. Additionally, consider using cameras with infrared or low-light capabilities to ensure clear footage, even in the potentially dark environment of a basement.

By strategically placing security cameras in your basement, you can enhance the overall security of your home and have peace of mind knowing that this often overlooked area is well-protected.


The patio is one of the best places to put a home security camera. It is a convenient location that provides a wide field of view and allows you to monitor the outdoor space around your home effectively. By installing a security camera on the patio, you can keep an eye on any suspicious activities, potential trespassers, or package deliveries.

Placing a security camera on the patio provides an added layer of security for your home. It can help deter burglars and intruders, as they will be aware that they are being monitored. Additionally, having a camera in this location can help capture clear footage of any incidents that may occur, providing valuable evidence for law enforcement or insurance claims.

When positioning the camera on the patio, consider the best angle and height for optimal coverage. Ensure that the camera is protected from harsh weather conditions and positioned where it won’t be easily tampered with or blocked by objects. It’s also important to choose a camera with features such as high resolution, night vision, and motion detection to enhance its effectiveness.

Furthermore, consider connecting the security camera to a smart home system or mobile app, allowing you to remotely access the live feed and receive alerts on your smartphone or other connected devices. This way, you can keep an eye on your patio and home even when you’re away.

Pros Cons
Wide field of view Potential vulnerability to tampering
Effective monitoring of outdoor space Exposure to harsh weather conditions
Deters burglars and intruders May require additional wiring or installation
Captures clear footage of incidents Dependent on Wi-Fi connectivity

In conclusion, the patio is an excellent place to install a home security camera. It offers a strategic vantage point and allows for effective monitoring of your outdoor space. By considering the camera’s position, features, and connectivity options, you can enhance the security of your home and have peace of mind.

Pool Area

The pool area is an important space to consider when determining the best place to install a home security camera. Providing security in this area is crucial as it can help prevent accidents, unauthorized access, and theft.

One of the most optimal locations to place a security camera in the pool area is near the entrance or gate. This ensures that any individuals entering or exiting the pool area can be monitored, and any suspicious or unauthorized activity can be detected.

Another suitable spot for a security camera is overlooking the pool deck or patio. This viewpoint allows for a comprehensive view of the pool area, including any potential blind spots or secluded areas where individuals may attempt to hide or engage in inappropriate behavior.

It is important to consider the camera’s field of view when installing it in the pool area. A camera with a wide-angle lens can provide coverage of a larger area, whereas a camera with a narrower field of view may be more suitable for closely monitoring specific points of interest.

Furthermore, it is recommended to install the security camera at a height that ensures a clear, unobstructed view of the pool area. Mounting the camera at an elevated position, such as on a wall or pole, can help achieve optimal visibility.

1. Monitoring entrances and exits 1. Avoid placing the camera at a height that is easily accessible and tampered with
2. Comprehensive view of the pool area 2. Ensure the camera is weatherproof and can withstand outdoor conditions
3. Detecting suspicious or unauthorized activity 3. Position the camera away from direct sunlight to reduce glare
4. Monitoring blind spots and secluded areas 4. Regularly check and maintain the camera to ensure it is functioning properly

Overall, the pool area requires careful consideration when deciding where to put a home security camera. By strategically placing the camera, you can enhance the security of your home and ensure a safer environment for everyone using the pool.

Entry Points

One of the most important places to install a home security camera is at the entry points of your house. These entry points include the front door, back door, and any other doors or windows that can be used to gain access to your home.

Installing a security camera at these entry points is crucial because it allows you to monitor who is coming and going from your home. This can help deter potential burglars from attempting to break in, as they will be aware that they are being watched.

The best place to put a security camera at the entry points is in a location that provides a clear view of the area. Ideally, the camera should be mounted at a height where it can capture the faces of anyone entering or exiting the house. It is also important to position the camera in a way that minimizes the chance of it being tampered with or obstructed.

Another important factor to consider when deciding where to place your home security camera is lighting. It is recommended to install the camera in an area that is well-lit, as this will provide better visibility and help capture clearer footage.

In addition to monitoring entry points, it is also a good idea to have security cameras installed in other areas of your home, such as the driveway, backyard, and garage. These additional cameras can provide extra security and help you keep an eye on all areas of your property.

In conclusion, the best place to install a home security camera is at the entry points of your house. This will allow you to monitor who is coming and going from your home, deter potential burglars, and provide additional security for your property.

Home Office

The home office is an important area in your home where you need to ensure security. Installing a security camera in your home office can help protect valuable assets and sensitive information. The best place to put a home security camera in your home office is facing the entrance. This allows you to monitor who enters and exits the room, providing an extra layer of security. Additionally, positioning the camera in a high corner of the room can provide a broader view and minimize blind spots. Make sure to choose a camera with high resolution and night vision capabilities to capture clear footage, even in low light conditions.

Large Common Areas

When it comes to installing a home security camera, large common areas are an important location to consider. These areas, such as living rooms, dining rooms, or open spaces, are often the central hub of activity in a home. By placing a security camera in a large common area, you can keep an eye on the main gathering spaces and ensure the safety of your home and loved ones.

The best place to put a security camera in a large common area is typically in a corner or on a wall that provides a wide field of view. This allows the camera to capture the maximum amount of activity in the area. Additionally, it is important to position the camera at an optimal height, typically around 7-10 feet above the ground, to ensure a clear and unobstructed view.

It is also recommended to choose a security camera with features such as motion detection and night vision. These features can help enhance the effectiveness of the camera in monitoring large common areas. With motion detection, the camera can alert you to any movement in the area, even if you are not actively monitoring the camera feed. Night vision enables the camera to capture clear footage even in low light or complete darkness.

Furthermore, it is essential to consider the aesthetics of the camera placement in large common areas. Opt for a camera that blends in with the surroundings or choose a discreet model that is not easily noticeable. This will help maintain the overall aesthetic of the space while still providing the necessary security measures.

In conclusion, installing a home security camera in large common areas is an effective way to monitor the main gathering spaces in your home. By choosing the right placement, features, and aesthetics, you can maximize the camera’s effectiveness in ensuring the safety and security of your home.


What is the best location to install a security camera outside?

The best location to install a security camera outside is at the front door. This is because most burglars enter a house through the front door. Placing a camera here allows you to capture clear footage of any potential intruders.

Where should I position a security camera to monitor my backyard?

To effectively monitor your backyard, it is recommended to position a security camera at a high vantage point overlooking the entire area. This could be on the roof, a tree, or a pole. Additionally, make sure the camera has a wide-angle lens to capture as much of the backyard as possible.

Should I install a security camera in my living room?

Installing a security camera in the living room can be beneficial as it allows you to monitor any activity in a commonly used area of your home. However, it is important to consider privacy concerns and inform household members about the presence of the camera to ensure everyone feels comfortable.

What is the best place to install a security camera indoors?

The best place to install a security camera indoors is at the main entrance or hallway. This allows you to see who is entering or moving within your home. Additionally, positioning the camera at eye level or slightly above provides a clearer identification of individuals captured on the footage.

Tim Gream/ author of the article
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